Friday, February 19, 2010

I can feel my-self in her space.

When I came accross this listing it was not in the mix that I was looking. But here she was. This newly constructed house (2009) but in one of those awkward back yard jobs!!! The speculators and those that are doing their superannuation program.

Here I am the country girl that is used to acres of rolling hills, but very fast realising that I will never have what I had before. So now I need to learn how to nest in a space that is little and safe. Just like a blue winged fairy wren!!. Well today I think I found my safe place.

The colours im the houser are all warm brown colours with raw materials as well. It has space and the main thing is - the possessions that I have had for my lifetime - they fit here in this house. The other feature is that it is a house and not a duplex or a villa. It has really good stuff but lacks basic stuff like overhead fans or air conditioning or evap air con. it is also not fenced to keep my puppies safe.

but all of this is solvable.

I will talk to my bank manager and see if I can get this feels right for me at the moment. Might even borrow enough for a spa!!!!!!! Come on over KS.......

Setting up home again....

Today I took a rec leave day. To do some more de-clutter, to clean, to throw away, to recycle. But the main event of the day was to go and check out an option for a home to buy. It is perfect. I could just fit in there perfectly. Still keep close to my sister. No pool, but I do love the feel of the place when inside. Stay tuned for my report of this special place.....but have to go now for the moment.

take care, angels bless,

I am asking for a sign that this is the place to buy and I will accept that notice.