Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A new beginning!!!

Well what a couple of weeks it has been. Do I need to blow my trumpet or just settle and do the inner searching that we always can benefit from.

All of a sudden I have the world at my feet in a way. I am now in a position to make my own decisions as I am no longer someone elses partner!

Where do I want to live. Here in the city where I currently live. Or do I want to live in another state. This could be possible now. Or can I just throw it all away and go overseas and be the nomad volunteer that lives on bread and water like all of the people that volunteers help!

Or do I get the opportunity to go back to where I had a bit of happiness, closer to my son, to my grandaughter, to my other daughter (daughter in law ex - but ex by no means).

All of a sudden I have all of these options that can actually be real for the first time in 40 years.

Wow.. that is truly a mindblowing concept.

This clarity has come from some very good friends of mine which have also included my real sisters. It has been so good to be in contact with them. We are going to shout ourselves a 'getting to know you again' meeting. I can't wait. The thought of the three of us together for the first time since our dad died.... it is truly time to do it.

Actually quite ironic that I wrtite this blog on the 34th yr anniversary of his burial today. I had the most poop day on his death day....but that happens every year anyway. You get used to it.

I just want to say - relationships come and they go. They all take a tremendous amount of energy and if you are a slow learner like me, being fifty has made it no easier. The men still do what they want to do and twist things the way they want to see things.

I am over it.

Time to go back to having a lover and living by myself.

Thats the life!!! And my conscience is clear cause I don't have to take on their crap.......


  1. Welcome to the blogging community - it is a wonderful way of just putting it out there - sometimes the universe answers in unexpected ways. May your angels always give your comfort and guidance. xxx

  2. thanks my friend...I know that u see thru the veil of my life.
